
Marina near Havnsø

Last edited 12.03.2024 at 16:32 by NV Charts Team


55° 46’ 53.5” N


11° 17’ 54.4” E


Small jetty on the east side of the private island of Nekselø.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the port is unproblematic. Watch out for the ferry arriving or departing several times a day.


At the small landing stage there are only a few berths for guests on 1.5 to 2m water depth. The ferry dock is to be kept free. Anchoring is possible in the bay directly north of the jetty, where there are also two DS mooring buoys.


The island is privately owned, but guests are welcome. There are no utilities.

There is a ferry connection to Havnsø.

NV Land Guide

Known for its unique flora and fauna, the only 4 km long and 1 km wide island of Nekselø is a paradise for nature lovers. Only accessible as a pedestrian by ferry from Havnsø, the island gem lies in the bay of Sejerø right between Sejerø and Odsherred. Travel time by ferry is 20 minutes.

A lot of sun and little rain characterise the island, with the result that wild plants flourish here that otherwise only occur in dry steppe areas in south-eastern Europe. The varied and hilly landscape invites to circular walks with wide views, especially on the higher situated west side of the island. During the bird breeding season (1.4. - 15.6.) the marked paths must not be left.

The island church, built in 1931, can be visited, but it is closed outside regular service times, but a guided tour can be arranged. Highest island elevations with about 40 m are the two hills Elmebjerg and Gadebjerg, from where you have a beautiful view towards Zealand. The landmark of the island is a group of pine trees, the so-called "Windflüchter", which are located at the western end of the island and testify to the everlasting power of the wind.

Marina Information

Max Depth 1.5 m


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