Neuendorf (Hiddensee)

Marina near Insel Hiddensee

Last edited 21.02.2024 at 16:36 by NV Charts Team


54° 31’ 26.9” N


13° 5’ 37.4” E



Until further notice, the two pier lights at the entrance are unlit.

Small, well-developed fishing, supply and recreational boat harbor on Hiddensee.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach should only be made by those unfamiliar with the area during the day. From the Hiddensee fairway, steer from buoy 27/N2 at 286.6° through the buoyed and lighted fairway directly into the harbor. Beware of oncoming or overtaking ferries and excursion boats, as the fairway is very shallow at the edges.


The northern part of the harbor basin is reserved for local fishing boats and yachts. The pier jutting into the harbor to the east is reserved for passenger ships and island supply vessels. Pleasure craft are moored in the south and southwest sections on stern piles at a depth of 1.5 meters. The harbor is often overcrowded in the summer months. Due to the constant ferry and excursion boat traffic, there is a lot of swell and unrest in the harbor.


A washroom with toilet is available, but this is also used by numerous island tourists. Drinking water is only available in the sanitary facilities, and there are only a few power sockets available at the moorings. There are modest supply options, a bicycle rental service and several restaurants in the village. There is a ferry connection from here to Stralsund and Schaprode. An extended excursion across the beautiful island makes up for the uninviting harbor.

NV Land Guide

Without the Dornbusch highlands, there would be no Gellen, there would be no Neuendorf-Plogshagen. The Baltic Sea "dragged" the sand, clay and marl from the fallen slopes of the Dornbusch and formed the land south of the hills between 2000 and 4000 years ago. This is why finds from pre-Christian times have only been made on the highlands. The first settlements only developed later (around 1550) on the flat land, which was constantly threatened by flooding. Today, Neuendorf and Plogshagen have around 350 inhabitants.

The detached houses in Neuendorf are a listed ensemble. The living areas of the houses face the sun. What is special here is that there are no fences between the thatched houses. Instead of drawing boundaries, people marked their property with house marks, the rune-like family symbols, as in Vitte. House, yard, livestock, eel rakes and all kinds of tools, including combs, bore the family abbreviation, which signaled to the neighbor: This object belongs to me, hands off!"

"De Süder" is what the inhabitants of Neuendorf-Plogshagen are still called by the locals today, a name that dates back to the time when the southern villages had more intensive contact with the inhabitants on Rügen than with their neighboring villages. Schaprode was quickly reached by sailing boat. The people of Neuendorf were also proud for a long time not to have been subjects like "De Nurder" or even serfs.

Despite their strong self-confidence, they were not happy when the Gellen became an island during a violent north-westerly storm on August 24, 1864. The tide tore Hiddensee apart at its narrowest point and the initially 20-meter-wide breach soon grew to 60 meters wide. A dam built as a result was destroyed by a westerly storm while it was still under construction. And even two newly built dams did not provide sufficient protection. It was not until 1878 that a dyke reinforced with granite stone provided safety again. 300,00 m³ of earth and almost 6000 m³ of flint gravel were hauled in for this purpose.

For once, a storm flood around 1870 also had a positive effect. What later went down in the island's history as the "gold treasure of Hiddensee", a piece of Viking jewelry over 1000 years old, was washed free and found by Neuendorf residents. The jewelry on display in Stralsund's Museum of Cultural History (it is a replica) is still considered one of the most valuable examples of Viking goldsmithing. A replica is also on display in the museum in Kloster.

No dyke or wall could withstand the severe storm surge of 1872. The entire South Island was flooded. The water reached right up to the roofs and residents had to be rescued from their homes by boat. The cattle drowned, the houses collapsed, the food was spoiled, the wells filled with seawater, the fishing boats disappeared, the fishing gear was destroyed and many trees were uprooted. Nevertheless, the people of Neuendorf stayed, rebuilt everything and continued to cultivate their customs, which included wearing a traditional costume similar to the Mönchsguter (see Gager). The women wore a large banded hat as part of their costume and the men wore white linen trousers. When working in the fields, women wore so-called Helgoland hats.

The lighthouse on the Gellen, also known as the "Süderleuchtturm", is a 25-minute walk south of the village, directly on the hiking trail. During the hike to the lighthouse, it is quite possible that one of the numerous wild rabbits will cross your path. Up to 5000 of them are shot on Hiddensee every year. Adders and grass snakes also feel at home in the Gellen and Gänsewerder nature reserves. The numerous plants include sea thistle, sea kale and the flesh-colored cuckoo flower. Alongside bicycles, carts are the main means of transportation. The latter can be hired almost everywhere on the island.

Marina Information


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