Eckernförde Binnenhafen

Marina near Eckernförde (Borby)

Last edited 21.10.2023 at 12:06 by NV Charts Team


54° 28’ 27.9” N


9° 50’ 6.4” E


Small town at the western end of Eckernförde Bay with fishing, commercial and yacht harbor and buoy field.

The inland harbor is mainly used by fixed berths and offers a small berth for museum ships.

NV Cruising Guide


The approach to the ports of Eckernförde is unproblematic day and night. One runs 310° in the direction of the church of Borby. To the marina of the SCE you turn north, but only if you have kept sufficiently clear of the pier of the naval port. At night the entrance is illuminated. Immediately west of the marina is the anchorage of the SVAOE. To the city harbor one continues in the direction of the church of Borby, until one has passed the eastern pier head. From here you sail either into the "Jaichhafen" or past the Handelskai into the inner harbor where there are further berths at Yachtsport Eckernförde and in the Binnenhafen. At night you steer in the white sector towards the Eckernförde beacon until the white sector of the harbor beacon (Oc.4s) is visible and then steer with 295° towards the harbor beacon. If you can see the northern, illuminated pier head well, you keep towards it, pass it and enter the harbor from here on sight.


The bridge opening of the bascule bridge Eckernförde can be arranged with the harbor masters of the "Jaichhafen" or with the "Stadtwerke Eckernförde". The "Stadtwerke Eckernförde" take over the opening outside the service hours of the harbor master's office. However, this is charged extra, while the opening by the harbor master's office is without additional costs.
Opening hours of the harbor master's office Jaich: 
07:00 to 11:00 and 15:30 to 19:00
Usually it is enough to call about an hour before.
Jaich Port: +49 4351 72 02 11
Stadtwerke Eckernförde: tel:+49 4351 905 0

In the inland port, there are mainly berths for fixed berths and museum ships as well as customers of the "Lütte Werft Zappe". Moorings in consultation with Jaich, Stadtwerke or Museumssteg. 

Marina Information

Max Depth 3 m


Phone +49 4351 72 02 11








Public Transport


Jeppe S, NV Charts
29.06.2021 15:56
Falk vW, Chiara
11.06.2020 09:03

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