Höhlensystem "Alzinaret-Nekropole"

Sightseeing near Pollença (Cala Sant Vicenç)

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 00:36 by NV Charts Team


39° 54’ 55.3” N


3° 2’ 57.7” E


The cave system "Alzinaret Necropolis" of Cala SanVicente are from the Bronze Age (1600-1200 BC) and are located in the residential area of the town in a beautiful oak grove and can be visited.
In the necropolis are 13 caves of different construction - burial caves next to the residential caves - there was a coexistence between life and death. Here you can immerse yourself in the life of the Bronze Age and worth a visit.

The cave system "Alzinaret Necropolis" of Cala SanVicente are from the Bronze Age (1600-1200 B.C.) and are located in the residential area of the town in a beautiful oak grove and can be visited.
In the necropolis there are 13 caves of different types - burial caves next to the residential caves - there was a coexistence between life and death. Here you can immerse yourself in the life of the Bronze Age and it is worth a visit.


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