Revierinformationen Untere Havel-Wasserstraße

Navinfo near Ketzin/Havel

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 02:27 by NV Charts Team


52° 27’ 47.6” N


12° 44’ 52.6” E


The AT and DH of the Lower Havel Waterway (except in the Brandenburg Stadt- u. Niederhavel) at MW:

AT 2,5m* Spandau to Plaue

AT 2,3m* Plaue to Bahnitz lock

AT 2,1m* Bahnitz lock to suburban lock Rathenow

AT 1,5m Rathenow to Havelberg

* from Plaue (km 66,7) to Havelberg the unloading depths depend on the fairway depths. These are published daily at the responsible WSA and

DH 5m Spandau to Havelberg
ZHG 12km/h
Sailing is only allowed on lake stretches (over 40m wide). For the section of this map, the reference level is Ketzin: MW=95cm, tel. 033233 -194 29 and Brandenburg Vorstadtschleuse: Oberpegel MW=214cm, tel. 03381-194 29.


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