
Navinfo near Langewahl

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:27 by NV Charts Team


52° 19’ 43.5” N


14° 8’ 15” E


The Oder-Spree Canal is 45km long.
AT 2.0m.
DH 4.0m at MW (water level dependent), passage width 9m.
zHG Unless further restricted by shore signage, the zHG is 10km/h.

Between the Wernsdorf lock and the Fürstenwalde lock, the OP Große Tränke/Wehr applies, reference level MW = 213 cm, tel. 033633-19428.
Between the Fürstenwalde lock and the Kersdorf lock, the UP Kersdorf applies, reference level MW = 225 cm, tel.033607-19428..
Between the lock Kersdorf up to and including the railway bridge Müllrose applies the upper level Kersdorf, reference level MW 211 cm, Tel. 033607-19428.


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