
Navinfo near Liebenwalde

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:36 by NV Charts Team


52° 49’ 47.9” N


13° 23’ 59.9” E


Havel-Oder waterway (HOW)
AT 2.0m.
DH 4.3 m (Niederfinow boat lift).
Unless further restricted by shore signs, the speed limit is 9 km/h.

Sailing is prohibited. Sailing is prohibited.

Changing water levels:
Due to precipitation and wind jams, changing water levels are to be expected on the HOW and its tributaries. Clearance heights at bridges and structures may change as a result. Vehicles with critical headroom should check the water levels and observe the values of the gauges Lehnitz and Niederfinow. Autom. gauge announcer Lehnitz: Tel. 03301-204737, Niederfinow: Tel. 033368-446
Side arms and bays are not suitable for mooring, as they can fall dry due to the damming and suction effect of passing cargo ships.

Water police - guard Lehnitz,
Tel.: 03301-8512654

Havel - Oder - Waterway (km 10.2 km 47.3) with Malzer Canal (HOW km 35.1 to km 35.5)
Oranienburger Havel (km 0.0 to km 4.0)
Veltener Stichkanal (km 0.0 to km 3.15)
Oranienburger Canal (H-O-W km 20.8 to km 30.0)
Havel Canal (km 0,0 to km 4.7)
Ruppiner Canal km 0.0 to km 22.0 (state waters)

In the canalized section of the Havel-Oder waterway between km 27 and km 54.9, there is little opportunity for recreational boats to moor and spend the night. It is a waterway, not necessarily a place to stay.


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