
Navinfo near Grabow

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:39 by NV Charts Team


53° 14’ 32.9” N


11° 29’ 54.4” E


Müritz- Elde- Wasserstraße (MEW)
AT 1.4m (to Plau) and 1.2 m (Plau to Dömitz).
The lowest DH 4.2 m.
zHG 9 km/h Plau to Buchholz, 6 km/h Dömitz to Plau.

Attention: Operating times are not equal to lock times. This also applies to the monitoring centre of the self-service locks. After the specified operating time, the lock is closed and the automatic system is switched off. The last request is at 7.30 p.m., or 3.30 p.m. in October and November.
Whether the lock is operated manually or automatically, you should enter a lock chamber 30 minutes before the end of the operating time. If the chamber is closed at this time, you can no longer expect to be transported. Between 12 and 13 o'clock longer waiting times are possible due to the lunch break of the staff.
In case of automatic self-service locks there is no staff on site and their telephones are not manned. Emergency call boxes are installed in these locks for emergencies and malfunctions.
Please call the operations centre in Parchim (Tel. 03871-451759) or the staff at manually operated locks only in case of urgency. Vessel announcements by telephone are unnecessary and hinder the procedure.
At some locks it is permitted to stay overnight at the waiting places outside the operating hours. In the morning the waiting place must be vacated.