
Navinfo near Elbe-Parey

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 03:48 by NV Charts Team


52° 23’ 50.3” N


12° 4’ 57” E


Elbe- Havel- Kanal
AT 2,5 m 
DH 5,5 m at NoSt (normal congestion).
Unless otherwise signposted, the speed limit is 12 km/h.
Between the locks Wusterwitz and Zerben (incl. Pareyer Verbindungskanal), the rule of thumb for the DH calculation is: 6,45m minus upper level Wusterwitz.
The quays in the town of Genthin are reserved for commercial shipping. Pleasure craft are not allowed to moor there (even for a short time) and will be punished.


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