Bimini Blue Water Resort

Marina near Alice Town

Last edited 21.07.2022 at 04:18 by NV Charts Team


25° 43’ 29.3” N


79° 42’ 8” W


Ever since Ernest Hemingway wrote "Islands in the Stream", the lure here was big game fishing, but there are beaches, restaurants, guest houses, hotels, resorts and shops. Clear customs in Alice Town - Port of Entry. The closest harbor of the Bahamas to Florida.

NV Cruising Guide


Navigation: New Henry Bank is the prominent hazard approaching Alice Town, the settlement on North Bimini. The ocean bottom is always changing, and the approach is generally suitable to shallow-draft vessels at mid to high tide with local knowledge. The North Bimini approach channel has lighted outer bouys and heads firstly to the east before turning to north-northeast in direction to Alice Town. Entering Bimini Sands Marina on South Bimini is either

accomplished by following the same approach like to North Bimini, but turning to south in direction to the Marina entrance after having passed the narrows between New Henry Bank on starboard and the green lighted bouy on port side. Or you can use the southern approach using the two orange markers south of Bimini Sands Marina as leading line to gain shelter behind the sand bar and find the Marina entrance on a northerly course. South Bimini features the Bimini Beach Club marina in Nixons Harbour. Approach this harbor by passing one-quarter mile south of the rocks lying off South Bimini, then head to the northeast until you can see the marked channel into the basin. Berthing: In Alice Town, there are slips at the Bimini Big Game Fishing Club, Weech’s Bimini Dock, Bimini Blue Water Resort, and the Sea Crest Marina or further north at the Bimini Bay Resort & Marina. On South Bimini, you may find slips at Bimini Sands Marina in its own basin along the Alice Town approach and at the Bimini Beach Club in Nixons Harbour. Moorings can be found at the Big Game Fishing Club. Gas and diesel fuel and marine supplies are sold at the Big Game Fishing Club and Blue Water Resort.

Marina Information










