Cowes Inner Fairway

Navinfo near Cowes

Last edited 19.04.2023 at 18:00 by NV Charts Team


50° 46’ 4.8” N


1° 42’ 2.9” W


Inner Fairway

When the tidal flow at Numbers 1 and 2 fairway buoys is running in a westerly direction, (expected from HW -2hrs to HW +3hrs) a tidal shadow with significantly reduced flow may be experienced immediately west and south of the detached breakwater in the Inner Fairway. Between HW -3hrs and HW vessels transiting the Inner Fairway between 2A buoy and 4A beacon may experience a westerly setting cross current of up to 1.5 knots which will have a tendency to set vessels down towards the western shore. This cross current splits into two seperate flows on the western side of the fairway in between the Island Sailing Club and the Town Quay ferry terminal with a current of up to 1.5 knots running along the foreshore in either direction. Small craft should be prepared to alter their heading so as not to be set across the fairway when transiting this area and avoid impeding the safe passage of commercial shipping and ferries.