
Navinfo near Geesthacht (Edmundsthal-Siemerswalde)

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 10:00 by NV Charts Team


53° 25’ 16.8” N


10° 22’ 49.6” E


The WT above Geesthacht is approx. 2.9m at MW, the TT is mostly set at 2.7m.

Below the barrage, the Elbe is a tidal water and dependent on the tides of the North Sea. Here the WT of the navigation channel is 2.2m at mean tidal NW, and approx. 3.5 - 4m at mean tidal HW. Deviations upwards and downwards are possible. The lower gauge at Geesthacht or the Bunthaus gauge must be observed.

When the tide is high, the Elbe flows against the main current direction from the Geesthacht barrage. Caution: When the tide is out, the current becomes increasingly strong (3-7 km/h). Before passing through this section, check the tide calendar.


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