Mô Llevant

Hafen bei Maó

Zuletzt bearbeitet 12.06.2023 um 23:38 von NV Charts Team


39° 53’ 24.4” N


4° 16’ 13.9” O


The large, fjord-like natural harbor of Menorca's capital offers several marinas and its picturesque city center is certainly worth a visit.

NV. Hafenlotse


This deep and sheltered natural harbor is located on the southeast side of Menorca. Approach and to the bay is simple and straightforward and can be done even in rough weather. The entrance between Punta de San Carles and the peninsula La Mola is buoyed and lit. Some islands lie in the fjord-like bay, but the water is deep right to the shore in most places.

NV. Landgangslotse

The marina Mô Llevant has 3 jetties in the western part of the city center and offers berthes for vessels of 9m to 23fm length. For other vessel sizes, some of the other marinas need to be contacted. 



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Webseite https://mollevant.es/la-marina/
VHF Kanal 9







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