Drachenaugensee - Zmajevo Oko

Sightseeing near Rogoznica

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 20:50 by NV Charts Team


43° 31’ 51.3” N


15° 57’ 31.5” E


The Dragon's eye lake (Croat.: Zmajevo oko) is a saltwater lake about 100m from Marina Frapa on the peninsula Gradina and 60m deep and connected to the Adriatic Sea underground, as it has a tidal water level. The flora and fauna in and around the lake is unique and the strange thing is that every few years the lake becomes turbid and the fauna of fish, jellyfish and sea snails disappear due to a connection with the open sea. Many divers have died trying to investigate this. After some months the lake becomes clear again fauna comes back. Scientists also etch and suspect biochemical processes that cause turbidity, but no details are known. The 24m high cliffs around the "Dragon Lake" (according to legend a dragon lives here) are a magnet for tourists and cliff jumpers.


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