Dubrovnik Port Authority - Customs

Business near Lučka uprava DubrovnikT: +385 20 313 333, F: +385 20 418 551 (Gruž)

Last edited 20.07.2022 at 07:10 by NV Charts Team


42° 39’ 29.2” N


18° 5’ 12.2” E


The Customs wharf is on the east side by the ferry terminal, south of the fire (Fl.(2)R.). It is best to ask for a berth before entering and leaving - VHF Ch.9. The multi-storey building cannot be overlooked and is located at the quay.


Address 20 000 DUBROVNIK Obaobala La Pape Ivana Pavla II 1
Lučka uprava DubrovnikT: +385 20 313 333, F: +385 20 418 551
Phone +385 20 313 333
Email Please enable Javascript to read
Website https://www.portdubrovnik.hr/


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