Museum Faust Vrančić

Sightseeing near Prvić Luka

Last edited 19.07.2022 at 19:10 by NV Charts Team


43° 43’ 27.8” N


15° 48’ 0.9” E


You should definitely visit the memorial museum of Faust Vrančić, the great Croatian scientist, inventor and visionary. It is right by the ferry pier and the Church of St. Mary with his tomb as well.
Faust Vrančić, from the Bosnian noble family Vrančić, was born in Šibenik in 1551 and spent the first years of his life in Sibenik and summers in the family's country house in Privic. Faust Vrančić was a great Croatian inventor and humanist - the polyhistor, lawyer, philosopher, historian, lexicographer, inventor, hagiographer and theologian. He exercised political functions of the emperor's secretariat, bishop and royal governor of Hungary and Transylvania. His dictionary of the five European languages - Latin, Italian, German, Dalmatian and Hungarian - is the first Croatian and Hungarian dictionary in history. It was published in Venice in 1595 and is considered the foundation of Croatian lexicography. Besides the most famous invention - the parachute - two groups of projects - bridges and mills - occupy a prominent place. He died in Venice in 1617 and was buried, according to his wish, in the church Sveta Marija  on Privic.


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